
Thanks and Spanks

Thanks & Spanks

SPANKS, writes a reader, to those who whine and cry until they get their way, regardless of how it inconveniences others. Don’t expect respect from the community. Earn it. The East Liverpool High School bowling team and its booster parents send a THANKS to the teachers who, on their own ...

Thanks & Spanks

SPANKS, writes a reader, to St. Clair Township for the dim lighting along state Route 170 in Calcutta. It’s hard to see when it’s dark, and especially when it’s dark and rainy. Brighter bulbs would be nice. SPANKS, as well, to East Liverpool for its lack of highway lighting, which makes ...

Thanks & Spanks

THANKS, writes a reader, to our local board of public utilities officials who take time to speak kindly to those with problems. You are appreciated. SPANKS, writes a reader, to the despicable people who throw their trash out vehicle windows, along the roads. Do you have no pride in your ...

Thanks & Spanks

SPANKS, writes a reader, to teachers who walk off the job and believe it does not have a negative affect on the students. THANKS, writes a reader, to communities who post “road closed” signs for our safety when things such as flooding take place. SPANKS, though, to those residents who defy ...

Thanks & Spanks

SPANKS, writes a reader, to health care providers for not filling out a VA Disability Form to help a disabled veteran possibly get the benefits he is entitled to receive. SPANKS, writes a reader, to a local business that is putting in more scan-and-go registers. THANKS, though, to those who do ...

Thanks & Spanks

THANKS, writes a reader, to those who helped in bringing the Christmas celebration to East Liverpool on Dec. 2. It was so nice to see so many people. SPANKS, writes a reader, to those responsible for not replacing/repairing the lights at Lynn Murray Memorial Library in Chester. THANKS, writes ...