
Thanks & Spanks

THANKS, writes a reader, to everyone who helped put on the “Bridge the Gap” event May 8 at the East Liverpool Potter Jr./Sr. High School. It was very nice, and especially pleasing to hear the choir and band again.

THANKS, writes a reader, to those who took care of me and stayed with me until the ambulance came when I fell and was injured March 18 at the Giant Eagle in Calcutta. You will never know how greatful I am. God Bless you.

SPANKS, writes a reader, to those who oppose the traffic cams program. It’s simple: Don’t want a ticket, slow down. It’s the law.

SPANKS, writes a reader, to the person who tossed out his trash and emptied his ashtray in the Walmart parking lot. A trash can was only 20 feet away.

THANKS, writes a reader, to the kind buggy person for trying to help me up after I fell in the parking lot.

SPANKS, writes a reader, to the city of East Liverpool for the deplorable condition of its portion of Shady Lane.

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