
Thanks & Spanks

North Elementary recently celebrated Dr Seuss’s birthday with “Right To Read Week” with several festivities, including local celebrities who took time out of their day to come and read to the students. The students and staff at North send a special THANKS to the following: EL Police officer Shawn Long, Tracy Hyatt, Mary Lee Ludwig, Bill Crawford, the Pirate Parrot, assistant county prosecutor Megan Bickerton, EMT Ernie Wiseman, Scott Shephard, Megan Hernandez, St. Clair Township trustee Jim Sabatini, Drew Cooper, East Liverpool firefighters and Bob Smith, Sidney Parsons, School Board president Sarah Porter, Nicole Fitch, Debbie Riggs, Superintendent Randy Taylor, Mayor Ryan Stovall, Jason Croxall, City councilman Brian Kerr, and Dike Dawson

SPANKS, writes a reader, to a local furniture store that sold us a mattress that we discovered was polluted with bed bugs.

THANKS, writes a reader, to the Calcutta Lions Club for a wonderful spaghetti luncheon fundraiser last Sunday. The meal was wonderful, and my hats off to whoever made the sauce and meatballs. Very good.

Calcutta Lions Club extends a THANKS to the Beaver Local Leo Club for its tremendous support during Sunday’s pasta dinner fundraiser at Adrian’s Restaurant.

SPANKS, writes a reader, to Mother Nature for washing out many, many school athletic events this spring.

THANKS, writes a reader, to city officials in East Liverpool and township leaders — namely the Glenmoor and Calcutta VFD firefighters — for working together when the hillside along state Route 11 created a dangerous situations for motorists.

THANKS, writes a reader, to those organizations/businesses/volunteers who have scheduled cleanup activities throughout our communities.

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