Thanks & Spanks
THANKS, writes a reader, to Bill Miller for paying the bill for the men of the Hookstown group home as they enjoyed dinner out at Pizza Hut. Your act of kindness and generosity was greatly appreciated.
THANKS, writes a reader, to East Liverpool councilman Brian Kerr for his constant dedication and concern for the city and its residents.
THANKS, writes a reader, to the teachers in West Virginia who stood up for what they deserved and believed in, thus teaching their students a valuable lesson. THANKS also to those who supported them.
THANKS, writes a reader, to the Oak Glen High School boys basketball team for a great season.
THANKS, writes a reader, to the St. Clair Township Police Department for its winter coat drive for local kids. Also, THANKS to the local Elks for bringing up the need.
SPANKS, writes a reader to an East Liverpool city employee who taught us that bullying takes place at any age and should not be tolerated.
SPANKS, writes a reader, to the city official who acted childlike in referencing a fellow city official.
THANKS, writes a reader, to the lady at Dunkin’ Donuts who paid for my beverage. God bless you.
The East Liverpool School District sends a THANKS to Razi from Papa John’s who delivered pizza to Westgate School for the students’ lunches when there was no power to the building.
SPANKS, writes a reader, to the Chester City Council for accepting a $5,000 donation from an anonymous donor.