
‘Abomination of Desolation’

To the editor:

The “Abomination of Desolation,” Freedom and Freedom of Speech, all find themselves applicable in this past Republican Primary. Freedom of Speech is at the core of our Republic! Some say, “Politics is a blood sport” and outbursts have surrounded the word “bloodbath.” This past election cycle has been one of unacceptable political and personal atrocities.

So called, “unendorsed Republican candidates” became subjects of a “scorched earth” political take down. Those, whether county officials, elected public officers or otherwise, who either openly advocated for these candidates or those falsely accused of doing so, were publicly and openly humiliated, demeaned and more. Through social media, memes, open statements and mailers, no matter whether friend or foe, political and personal attacks were the tactics to achieve a political win! The Christian faith of one candidate was insultingly, brought into question. At the core of another was the now infamous Senate Bill 119 and its real or potential moral consequences within our communities. One might conclude that the county Republican Party has been fractured and appallingly advertised.

“A candidate may get the apple of endorsement, but our county and district may very well have missed the apple pie!”

The opposing party, as nationally seen, continually pushes out fellow party candidates, bullying them from the ballot. Has authoritarian, tyrannical, socialistic bullying overtaken us, as well? Let the candidates convey who they are, what they have done and will do! Let the voters keep score!

The former Republican so-called “unendorsed” candidates: Reggie Stoltzfus, Duane Nickell, Dr. Rick Tsai, and Danielle Burch are all honorable individuals who have and continue to serve our county. These Republican patriots can stand proudly and formidably above their opposition in life and politics.

This Presidential election year is highly consequential to our country’s future or demise. We as citizens must absolutely stop, blindly voting solely by “D” or “R!” Stop voting solely according to so-called endorsement or incumbency! Know who the candidates are, what they have done or not done and how they have voted or not voted, especially at vital points of legislation and policy!

May God save Columbiana County and the United States of America!

Mark E Guy,

East Palestine

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