
Chester council hears of roadwork problems

CHESTER — Councilman Steve Shuman, who also acts as streets superintendent, told his fellow councilmen that after only several months of the citywide paving project some of the roads are popping with huge cracks now that the snow is melted.

While city officials were ecstatic when the project came in way under budget, they are less than thrilled with how it is holding up based on comments made during Monday’s meeting.

The City of Chester had received almost $3 million in the form of a reimbursement grant from the State of West Virginia and had awarded the paving contract to Kelly Paving of Rayland, which had bid $2,245,992.50.

Mayor Ed Wedgewood said city officials will reach out to the contractor to see how they can remedy the issue, which is plaguing streets and alleys throughout the city.

Also during Monday’s regular meeting, which had all members in attendance, council:

— Approved receipts for the general fund totaling $293,914.75 and the building fund totaling $9,912 and paying bills totaling $104,849.20 out of the general fund and $1,004.23 out of the building fund.

— Will spend just under $20,000 on a new tractor that has bucket and street sweeper capabilities.

— Took no action on eliminating an employee position as presented by councilman John Woodruff.

— Approved a resolution adopting the Region X1 Planning and Development Council Hazard Mitigation Plan as required.

— Made a $2,500 donation to the Oak Glen Junior Bears baseball for work on their main field.

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