Liverpool Township chief to train as fire inspector
LIVERPOOL TOWNSHIP — Liverpool Township Fire Chief Dave Ward requested and was granted approval to take part in fire inspection training during Tuesday’s Liverpool Township Board of Trustees meeting.
Ward informed trustees the training, which is being offered at West Point on weekends, would allow the township to conduct fire inspections.
Training cost is $900 plus the cost of a textbook at $175 — which Ward said he hopes to get reimbursement for under a grant.
Ward also requested approval to send eight air bottles out to be static-tested and get one of the department’s gas meters calibrated at a combined cost of $434. Trustees gave approval for both.
Ward said he plans to send out the remaining air bottles for testing and have the other gas meter calibrated later in the year.
Police Chief Jarod Kinemond was absent from the meeting. Trustee Mike Bahen noted that Kinemond was requesting approval to have the brakes checked on one of the department’s cruisers. The trustees gave their approval for that.
Road Supervisor Chris Bosworth requested and was given approval to purchase 100 tons of #8 limestone and 100 tons of ash.
Trustee Dennis Giambroni suggested the township purchase a two-terabyte external hard drive to be used for backing up the township’s files and stored off-site so if anything would happen to the system at the administration building, they would have a way of recovering everything. All three trustees were in favor of purchasing the external hard drive for $150.
Fiscal Officer Shirley Flati said the township had The Ohio Department of Taxation 2024 Township Highway System Mileage Certification, which was to be submitted no later than March 1. She is working on the December bank reconciliation and performing the 2024 end of year mandatory filings and requirements.
A five-year contract to utilize the Columbiana County Sheriff’s Office for dispatch was unanimously approved.
The trustees adopted resolutions to supplement appropriations: the Fire District Fund in the amount of $656.82 for contracted services line item and $24.26 for electric line item; for the Cemetery Fund for $250 for property service line item; and for the Police District Fund for $435.82 for electric line item.
Bills totaling $29,112.34 were approved for payment.
The Liverpool Township Board of Trustees meets every other Tuesday at 3 p.m. at the Township Administration Building. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Jan. 21