
Southern Local offers vaping intervention programs

SALINEVILLE — Southern Local Jr./Sr. High School is taking steps to address vaping with students by offering intervention programs.

SLHS Guidance Counselor Alannah Smith said the school works with the American Lung Association’s INDEPTH (Intervention for Nicotine Dependence: Education, Prevention, Tobacco and Health) program as an alternative to suspension when students violate tobacco or e-cigarette use policies. The program began on Nov. 12 and four sessions are held in one-on-one or group formats to discuss tobacco use, vaping and related topics. Nikki Venorsky of the Family Recovery Center of Lisbon holds four 50-minute sessions to discuss the harmful effects of nicotine and strategies to quit using tobacco products while also engaging students in activities.

“Every time a student gets caught vaping, they are put into the program,” said Smith. “The representative comes on Tuesday and Wednesday to try to help educate kids on the dangers of vaping and drug abuse.”

Smith continued that meetings are generally held in a group setting and the goal is to help the students change their ways and adapt to a better lifestyle.

Officials said INDEPTH is not a cessation program; rather, students are encouraged to stop using the products and adopt healthier alternatives to overcome nicotine dependence. The sessions help the pupils understand the INDEPTH program; identify reasons why they started using nicotine and tobacco products; understand addiction and other harmful effects of usage; identify activities that “trigger” their urges to use tobacco products; develop strategies to cope with those urges and create their vision of a healthy lifestyle; and understand the process of change.

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