
CC Mental Health and Recovery Services Board accepting applications to fill board vacancies

LISBON — The Columbiana County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board is accepting applications from candidates interested in filling board vacancies.

The Columbiana County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board (CCMHRSB) works with individuals in recovery, family members, and community partners to respond to community needs, and ensures that families and individuals affected by mental illness and substance use have access to high-quality care.

Focusing on prevention, treatment, and recovery, CCMHRSB administers public funds to promote healthy behavior, to support rehabilitation, and to advocate for recovery from mental illness and substance use disorders.

The board collaborates with a number of partners – including schools, law enforcement, elected officials, the Department of Job and Family Services, the criminal justice system, etc., — to assess county needs and develop priorities. The board contracts for services with agencies that have the appropriate credentials and licenses, and evaluates the effectiveness of these services.

CCMHRSB receives state and federal funding, as well as local levy dollars. This funding is used to support community-based programs and services.

While CCMHRSB is led by a governing board of volunteer members, a seven-person staff handles the day-to-day operations of the board, including Executive Director Marcy Patton, Chief Financial Officer Delores Bailey, Director of Treatment and Supportive Services Lori Colian, Recovery Coordinator Maureen Waybright, Director of Prevention and Outreach Lynsi Beagle, Director of Operations and Evaluation Jennifer Whitman, and Administrative Secretary Shirley Carter.

The volunteer board members have a passion for helping the citizens of Columbiana County. Members have varied professional and personal backgrounds. They include persons who have received services, family members of persons with mental health or substance use disorders, recovery and mental health experts, medical professionals, and others with an interest in community behavioral health services. Full-term members serve for four years.

Board members must be residents of Columbiana County and must commit to attending monthly meetings and participating in committee work and levy promotion activities. Employees of board-contracted agencies are not permitted to serve on the Board.

Interested persons can call 330-424-0195 or email Jennifer Whitman at jwhitman@ccmhrsb.org to receive an application/link and additional information on board member eligibility and responsibilities. All Board appointments must be approved by either the Columbiana County Commissioners or the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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