



American Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Peter Metrovich Community Center


Crestview school board, 4 p.m., middle school library room; special meeting to discuss CEA negotiations

City council, 7 p.m., city hall

East Liverpool

Needles and Hooks (crochet and knitting group), noon-2 p.m., Carnegie Public Library Community Room

East Palestine

The Way Station, Presbyterian Church, 109 W. Rebecca St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

East Palestine Library, 1 p.m., Preschool Storytime; How to Become an Influencer, 6 p.m.

Eagles kitchen open 4-8 p.m., lasagna with side salad and roll, $9, 330-886-0397

East Palestine Amateur Radio Club meeting, 6 p.m., at the club radio room. Dues can be paid at the meeting. Update on linking the repeater to WRARC.

Goshen Township

Goshen Township Board of Trustees meeting, 6 p.m., Goshen Township Administration Building.

Hanover Township

Trustees meeting, 8 p.m.

Knox Township

Board of Trustees, 7 p.m., administration building; review bills at 6:45 p.m.


American Legion Auxiliary Post 131, 6 p.m.


Moving and Grooving Storytime, 10 a.m., Lepper Library; geared toward babies and toddlers. Come sing some songs, listen to a story, and play.

Preschool Story Hour Storytime, 11 a.m., Lepper Library; sing songs, listen to stories, and make crafts.

Committee of the Whole meeting, 5:30 p.m., Village Hall

Liverpool Township

Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building


Bingo, Negley Volunteer Fire Dept.; doors open at 5:30 p.m., early birds at 7 p.m., regular bingo at 7:30 p.m., crazy bingo; refreshments available

New Cumberland

Hancock County school board, 4:30 p.m., JDR IV Career Center; work session for personnel


Rotary Club of Salem, noon, Salem Community Center

Salem Eagles Kitchen Open 5:30-7 p.m.; $2.50 Tuesday featuring cheeseburger or chicken sandwich; Members Monthly Drawing

United Quilt Guild, 6:30 p.m., First Presbyterian Church on Second Street; doors open at 1 p.m. to work on a project; those making the “Stack It & Strip It” will meet at 3 p.m.

Families Anonymous, 7 p.m., First Methodist Church cafe

City Council meeting, 7 p.m., City Council Chambers; Rules and Ordinances Committee meeting, 6 p.m.


Kiwanis Club meeting, 7 a.m.

Unity Township

Board of Trustees, 7 p.m., township office


Village council, 6 p.m., village hall


Senior Moments Cafe, 11:30 a.m., Winona Friends Church, 4687 Whinnery Road; anyone 55 years and over is invited to enjoy a light lunch and fellowship; RSVP to WFC at info@winonafriends.com or 330-222-1551.



40 & 8 La Femmes 273 Daytime Bingo, doors open 11 a.m., bingo starts at 1 p.m., 44640 state Route 14 (across from United Rentals). Lunch 11 a.m. to 12:30 pm. Public welcome. Weekly menu on Facebook at 40 & 8 La Femmes 273.


Columbiana County Commissioners meeting, 9 a.m., downtown courthouse, Lisbon.

Area Singles, 6 p.m., Harry’s Place in Chippewa

East Liverpool

School board, 6 p.m., Westgate Administrative Center; interview and select board member

East Palestine

The Way Station, Presbyterian Church, 109 W. Rebecca St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Eagles monthly drive thru featuring stuffed chicken breast with baked potato, vegetable and roll, 4-6 p.m., $11; 330-886-0397

East Palestine Library, Board of Trustees meeting 6 p.m.

EP Band Parents, 7 p.m., high school band room

Elkrun Township

Trustee meeting, 7 p.m., Elkrun Administration Building


Lisbon Lions Club, 6:30 p.m.

Madison Township

Board of Trustees, 6 p.m., administration building


Weingart Cousins, 8:30 a.m., Das Dutch Haus

Courtyard Cuts Red Ribbon Cutting, 10 a.m., Courtyard Square.

Salem Community Prayer Meeting, 4 p.m., Salem Memorial Building

Parks Commission special meeting, 5 p.m., Salem Parks Office.



DARE Singles Group, new member meeting, 7-9 p.m., Boardman United Methodist Church, 6809 Market St., Youngstown; information at 330-729-0127


Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Thrift Shop, 1-5 p.m.; liquidation sale; by donation


Columbiana County 911 Program Review Committee/ Emergency Services Committee meeting, 1 p.m., county Emergency Management Agency office, South Market Street, Lisbon.


Tops 1329, United Methodist Church, weigh in 9 a.m., meeting 9:30 a.m.

East Palestine

The Way Station, Presbyterian Church, 109 W. Rebecca St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Caring Hands Food Pantry, 9-11:30 a.m., First Church of Christ; clean trunks

Eagles kitchen open 4-8 p.m., stuffed cabbage rolls with mashed potatoes and roll, $9, 330-886-0397


Woven Chip & Dip Basket Class, 4:30-6:30 p.m., Lepper Library; brought in part by the Ohio Arts Council.

School board, 5 p.m., board conference room


Salem High School Class of 1954, 9 a.m., Adele’s

Salem Community Pantry, 794 E. Third St., food distribution, 3-5:30 p.m.; for residents of the 44460 zip code; must have photo ID and proof of residency

Salem Eagles Kitchen Open 5-7 p.m., watch Facebook for specials

Salem Preservation membership meeting, 7 p.m., Ruth Smucker House, 271 S. Broadway Ave.

Washington Township

Trustees, regular meeting, 11 a.m., township building

Wayne Township

Board of Trustees, 6:30 p.m., township hall



Calla Church February Soup Sale, 4 p.m. until sold out, 6482 W. Calla Road. Soups available will be stuffed pepper and chicken noodle for $8 a quart and fresh baked bread will also be available for $2 a loaf. For pre-orders call Chris at 330-501-1597.


Good As New Shoppe, Methodist Church, 210 S. Main St., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Chocolate walk, free candy. Mystery Sale.

East Liverpool

VFW Post 66 Bingo, 6:30 to 9 p.m.; 25 cents a card, five cards for a $1, 50 cents coverall; pizza and fresh popcorn available for purchase

East Palestine

The Way Station, Presbyterian Church, 109 W. Rebecca St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Eagles kitchen open 4-8 p.m., beer batter cod fish specials, on a dish $9, sandwich with side $10, dinner with two sides $12; 330-886-0397

East Palestine Moose Fish Fry, 4-7 p.m., carry out only, 330-426-3510


Italian-American Club Fish Fry, 5-8 p.m., dine in or carry out, 330-427-9900


Newell Lions Club Fish Fry (carry-out only), 10 a.m.-5 p.m., 510 Washington St., 304-387-3413


Salem Eagles Kitchen Open 5-7 p.m., beer battered fish or chicken with mac & cheese, fries and roll for $12; Members Queen of Hearts Drawing


Fish Fry, 4-7 p.m., Beaver Creek Sportsman Club, 14480 Washingtonville Road; fish or shrimp dinner $14, fish and shrimp combo dinner $20, extra fillet $7, shrimp ala carte $7, deep fried onion flower $6, chicken tender dinner $12, dessert (while supplies last) $1; dinners include fresh cut fries, homemade coleslaw and green beans; cash and credit card (with small fee) accepted; call in orders starting at 3 p.m. at 234-575-1207

Starting at $2.99/week.

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