



Volunteer Firefighter dependency fund board annual meeting, 6:45 p.m. village hall


DARE Singles Group, Pool Night at Camelot Lanes, 7 p.m.; information at 330-729-0127


St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building


Columbiana County Board of Revision, 10:15 a.m., auditor’s conference room

Veterans Service Commission, regular monthly meeting, 2 p.m., Veterans Service Commission Board Room, 7989 Dickey Drive, Suite 1, Lisbon

East Liverpool

City council meeting cancelled due to no heat in city hall building

East Palestine

The Way Station, Presbyterian Church, 109 W. Rebecca St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Eagles kitchen open 4-8 p.m., stuffed cabbage rolls with mashed potatoes and roll; dine in or carry out; 330-886-0397

East Palestine Library, Watch and Clock Collecting, 6 p.m.

Town & Country Garden Club of East Palestine, 6 p.m., First Church of Christ, new members welcome.

Village council, 7 p.m., municipal building; EP Park/Rec/Cem Committee, 6 p.m.


Lisbon Banquet hosted by Holy Trinity Episcopal Church; pulled pork, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, green beans and assorted desserts; 4:30-6:30 p.m. dine-in; carry outs available after 6 p.m.; free to all.

Madison Township

Zoning commission, 6:30 p.m., administration building

Perry Township

Perry Township Board of Trustees meeting, 4 p.m., Perry Township Administration Building.


Salem Community Pantry, 794 E. Third St., food distribution, 9 a.m.-11:30 a.m.; for residents of the 44460 zip code; must have photo ID and proof of residency

Dine In or Drive Thru Banquet in Salem, 5 p.m. until food is gone, Salem Memorial Building; sponsor: Salem Firefighters Local 283; menu: sweet Italian sausage sandwiches with onions and peppers, scalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce, fresh vegetables and fruits, cookies. Dine In park in designated area behind the building and proceed to front door. Drive Thru will line up in lot behind the building; one meal per individuals in the vehicle. No parking in the library lot. For information or to sponsor a Banquet call Patty Colian at 330-831-2169. Visit www.thebanquetinsalem.org.

School board, 7 p.m., high school library; organizational meeting at 6:45 p.m.; review board goals and agenda at 6:15 p.m.


Wellsville High School Class of 1962, 1 p.m., Someplace Else; spouses and friends welcome

Board of Education, organizational meeting/tax budget hearing, 5 p.m., Wellsville Jr. Sr. High Media Center. Regular board meeting will follow.


Mahoning County Public Health Personnel Committee, 4 p.m., public health office



United Quilt Guild Sew and Social, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., West Branch Booster Hall, 26701 U.S. Route 62; bring sewing machine and snacks, all fabric and patterns provided


Calcutta Lions Club, 6:30 p.m., Peter Metrovich Community Center


MCTA Executive Council, 8:30 a.m., Dutch Haus

School board, 6 p.m., high school media center

Planning Commission, 7 p.m., city hall


Columbiana County Park District Commission, 3:30 p.m., CCPD office, 130 Maple St., Lisbon

East Liverpool

Needles and Hooks (crochet and knitting group), noon-2 p.m., Carnegie Public Library Community Room

East Palestine

The Way Station, Presbyterian Church, 109 W. Rebecca St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

East Palestine Library, Preschool Storytime, 1 p.m.; Friends of the Library Meeting, 7 p.m.

Our Lady of Lourdes drive thru dinner, 4-6 p.m. or until sold out. Meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce and dessert, $12.

Eagles kitchen open 4-8 p.m., hot sausage with pasta, side salad and roll; dine in or carry out; 330-886-0397


School board, Room 204, tax budget hearing at 5:30 p.m., Records Retention Committee at 5:45 p.m., reorganizational and regular meeting at 6 p.m.


Moving and Grooving Storytime, 10 a.m., Lepper Library; geared toward babies and toddlers. Come sing some songs, listen to a story, and play.

Preschool Story Hour Storytime, 11 a.m., Lepper Library; sing songs, listen to stories, and make crafts.

David Anderson High School Class of 1956, 11 a.m., Belleria in Columbiana


Bingo, Negley Volunteer Fire Dept.; doors open at 5:30 p.m., early birds at 7 p.m., regular bingo at 7:30 p.m., crazy bingo; refreshments available


Parkinson’s Support Group has been canceled.

Rotary Club of Salem, noon, Salem Community Center

Italian American Club meeting, 7 p.m.

Families Anonymous, 7 p.m., First Methodist Church cafe


Southern Local Board of Education, 6 p.m., high school media center

Yellow Creek Township

Board of Trustees, 6:30 p.m., township hall; reorganization meeting followed by regular meeting


Mahoning County Public Health Finance Committee, 4:30 p.m., public health office



Rodman Chess Club, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Rodman Public Library Main Auditorium; celebration of one-year anniversary featuring giveaways of club-related items


40 & 8 La Femmes 273 Daytime Bingo, doors open 11 a.m., bingo starts at 1 p.m., 44640 state Route 14 (across from United Rentals). Lunch 11 a.m. to 12:30 pm. Public welcome. Weekly menu on Facebook at 40 & 8 La Femmes 273.

Columbiana Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 6 p.m., Mowen Room


Columbiana County commissioner meeting, 9 a.m., with sales tax public hearing, 9:05 a.m., downtown courthouse, Lisbon.

Columbiana County Board of Developmental Disabilities, 4 p.m., administration offices

Columbiana County Health District Board meeting, 4:30 p.m., health department building, state Route 45, Lisbon.

East Palestine

The Way Station, Presbyterian Church, 109 W. Rebecca St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

East Palestine Library, Baby Time, 10 a.m.

Eagles monthly drive thru with beef tips and noodles, $11, 4-6 p.m.; 330-886-0397


Leetonia High School Classes of 1955-57, noon, Adele’s


DAHS Classes of 1957 and 1958, Pondi’s, 1 p.m.

Lisbon Lions Club, 6:30 p.m.


Deming Retirees breakfast, 8 a.m., Adele’s

American Red Cross blood drive, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Salem Regional Medical Center, 1995 E. State St.

Salem High School Class of 1965, lunch, noon, Salem Golf Club.

Salem Board of Health meeting, 2 p.m., Salem City Health District.

Salem Community Prayer meeting, 4 p.m., Salem Memorial Building

SHS Class of 1967, dinner, 6 p.m., Ricky’s English Pub


Buckeye Water District Finance Committee, 10 a.m., BWD office

Wellsville Alumni Activities Spaghetti Dinner, 4-6:30 p.m., alumni center; eat in or carry out; $12 adults, $6 children; phone orders at 330-532-9811; walk-in orders welcome


Mahoning County Public Health Board, 7:30 a.m., public health office

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